Weekly Notices

This week:

Monday 22nd July
No Toddlers
7pm PCC Meeting in church
Tuesday 23rd July
9am Morning Prayer in Church
No CYM groups
Wednesday 24th July
9am Morning Prayer in Church
9.45am Holy Communion in Church
10.30am Coffee Morning in the hall
Thursday 25th July
9am Morning Prayer in Church
7pm Gathering to Pray in Church
Friday 26th July
9am Morning Prayer in Church
10am Gardening Group in Churchyard
10.30am Messy Vintage
Saturday 27th July
9am Morning Prayer in Church
Sunday 28th July
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Worship in the Hall (WITH)
10.30am Morning Worship
6.30pm Healing service.
A big thank you to everyone who helped with
this year’s summer fete, to everyone who braved
the unpredictable weather we have been having
to have such a brilliant time. We managed to
raise a great £1654.80! Just amazing!! THANK
Wednesday Communion continues each week in
church at 9.45am with a quiet, reflective service.
Wednesday Coffee Morning. An opportunity for
catching up with old friends and making new ones,
every Wednesday at 10.30am in the church hall.
PCC Meeting 22nd July at 7pm in church.
Gathering to Pray 25th July in church.
Messy Vintage 26th July 10.30am -12pm the theme
is all about summer, ‘Learn from the fig tree…as
soon as its leaves come out, you know summer is
near.'[Matthew 24.32]
Holiday Club is on Tuesday 30th July, Wednesday
31st July and Thursday 1st August. This year the
theme is The Olympics. We are looking to grow
our team and always enjoy some fresh ideas. If
you think you could be a part of it from the
smallest of preparation tasks to joining us for a
day, from being a prayer partner to making a
cuppa or two please get in touch with Katey.
Message from Revd Sharon: It is so lovely to be
back with you all, if you would like a copy of my
sabbatical reflection please let me know. I shall be
sharing some highlights over the next couple of
weeks. A huge thank you to everyone who has
stepped up and done things for our church family
whilst Russell and I have been away. God Bless
Advanced Dates for your diary
Summer Café 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th August If you
can help in any way by making goodies or serving in
the kitchen, Please contact Judith Betts on 07753
613433 or 01502 539237, or email
judiq1966@hotmail.com All items are donated so
come early to make sure you get your favourites,
once they’re gone they’re gone! Many thanks for all
your previous support and we hope to see you again
Worship team meeting 3rd August 9:30am- 12pm in
the Hall.
Next tabletop sale is 28th September. Booking is
now open. We do require a £3 deposit to confirm
your booking. To book for this event please contact
the Church Office.
Craft Fair on 26th August in church and hall 10am –
3pm. Come along, see what you can find, or even
treat yourself to one of our famous ‘Seabreeze
Bacon Butties’ with a nice cup of tea/coffee. If you
can help with setting up/putting away please speak to
As school is now shut for the summer holidays
there will be no Toddlers in the hall on a Monday
afternoon and CYM groups on a Tuesday evening
in the hall from next week until school returns.
Toddlers in the hall return on 9th of September and
CYM groups start back on the 10th of September.
No August Messy Church next one September 12th

No August Messy Vintage next one September 27th

September 21st Lowestoft Men’s Network Men’s
Breakfast 8am Martello’s, Sparrows Nest, Speaker
Andy Bunter (St Michaels).
21st September Gt Yarmouth Brass Concert 7:30pm
in Church.
What is Pakefield Church?
We are a Christian family who worship God,
care for one another and the local community
and reach out to encourage others
to know Jesus and his love.
Pakefield Church is open every day from 9am to 6pm. You
are welcome to come and meet with God, to enjoy the
peace and quiet and to spend time in prayer.
If you wish to remember the life of a loved one, you can
light a candle in St Margaret’s, and leave a prayer request
in the box there.
Prayer Guide
We believe in the power of prayer. Please give thanks and
pray for the following as you pray during the week.
Pakefield Church

  • For visitors to our church, who come to simply look
    around or to pray, that they may know God’s love.
  • For those who live or work on Kilbourn Road,
    Kingston Close, Kirkdale Court & Lansdowne Road.
  • For Sailors, rig workers, lifeboat crews, coastguards,
    wind farm workers and all their families back home.
  • For all teachers, support staff and students as they
    start the summer holidays.
  • For those you know who are unwell or in hospital.
  • For those who are grieving for a loved one.
    Praise and Thanks
  • For answers to prayers in our lives and those of the
    ones we love.
    Further afield
  • For Families affected by the rising costs of living,
    not just here in the UK but around the world.
  • For all affected by the massive floods in South Asia.
  • For all affected by Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean.
  • For the work of The Church Army.
    (If there is anyone or anything that you would like us to
    include in this prayer list, please let the office know)
    Follow us on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook Our Sunday service is
    livestreamed to our YouTube channel (usually the 10.30am)
    We have been awarded Eco Church Silver award.