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Our Anna Chaplain June King writes………

Wow what a difference a year makes…, this time last year I thought I knew the way God wanted my service to him and the community to go, I was happy being a church warden and all that encompasses.

But then God went and did what God does and threw a curve ball at me! I can imagine the Lord having the following conversation ‘June seems to have settled nicely into that challenge I set her, what can I give her now, that she would not be expecting? I know lets, see if she is up to being a Chaplain and using her experience of working with older people lets make her an Anna Chaplain, that should give her something to think about and act upon.’ -I can see him laughing as he says it – Can’t you? So, what did he do he sent a dream not to me that would be too normal, no he sent it to my sister Pam, he knew she would give me the push I would need (As the hymn says-God moves in mysterious ways). So here I am trained and certificated, Anna Chaplain and Pakefield Church has a new Church Warden in the wonderful Di Pitts.

It is a time of change for Pakefield Church and the local community with a change to my role, Di becoming Church Warden and Sharon away on a 3-month sabbatical, we are also about to say good-bye to the fabulous Bensusan family, Rev. Becki, Lee, Kimberley, JJ, Nicola and Maddie prepare to move on this month. As Rev. Becki’s curacy was coming to an end, she started to apply for posts, it didn’t take the benefice of Long Stratton & Thurston to snap her up (they obviously know a good thing when they see it). This un-presupposing, spiritually uplifting family are going to leave a big hole in the many lives they have touched, may God be with them as they move to their new home and get to know the new church families they are going to be living, working and relaxing with. May God grant them peace, good health and happiness all the days of their lives. They will be truly missed by all here.

As I’ve been writing this it has bought to mind: Jeremiah 29.11 – When the Lord says ‘For I know the plans I have for you’. All we have, to do is believe and trust in the Lord and our lives will be fulfilled with his plan for us.

God bless

June King – Anna Chaplain