We live stream our Sunday Service to our YouTube Channel Pakefield Church. All videos can be viewed in the page titled Sermons under the menu Services on this site too .
This Week:-
Monday 10th February
1.15pm Toddlers
Tuesday 11th February
9am Morning Prayer in Church
5pm CYM groups
Wednesday 12th February
9am Morning Prayer in Church
9.45am Holy Communion
10.30am Coffee Morning in the Hall
Thursday 13th February
9am Morning Prayer in Church
7pm Gathering to learn in the cabin
Friday 14th February
9am Morning Prayer in Church
10am Gardening Group in Churchyard
Saturday 15th February
9am Morning Prayer in Church
6.45pm Valentine’s quiz
Sunday 16th February
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion
10.30am Worship in the Hall
4pm Evening Prayer
Gathering to Learn
Church Cabin
Thursday13th February 25 – Gathering to Learn about King David week 6
Thursday 20th February 25 – Gathering to Learn about King David week 7
Valentines Quiz
Saturday 15th February 25
Pakefield Church Hall
6.45pm for 7pm start
Tickets £3 (includes nibbles)
Bring your own drinks
Make a team or join one on the night.
Tickets from Ruth in the office. Telephone 01502 218150 or email office@pakefieldchurch.com
All proceeds to Church Funds
Gathering to Explore our Hymns and Worship Songs
Tuesday 18th February 25
Pakefield Church Hall
Do you play an instrument, do you enjoy
singing? Come along and help us choose
Pakefield’s top 100 hymns and worship songs to
sing in 2025. Don’t worry if you can’t come,
just let Revd Sharon know via her email : rector@pakefieldchurch.com, of your favourite Hymn and we can include it!
Thursday 27th February 25 – Gathering to Pray in Church.
Messy Vintage
Friday 28th February 25
10.30am to Midday
Pakefield Church Hall
The theme is the renewal of nature reflecting the beauty of life.
‘The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the
singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle
dove is heard in our land’ (Song of Solomon 2:12)
This verse from the Song of Solomon captures the
beauty of spring, a time when leaves and flowers flourish.
Gathering to Worship
Thursday 6th March 25
Pakefield Parish Church
Messy Church
Saturday 8th March 25
All children welcome, please bring an adult with you, stories, games, craft, fellowship and fun.
Gathering for Lent Course
Pakefield Parish Church
Thursday 13th March 25
Thursday 20th March 25
Thursday 27th March 25
Thursday 3rd April 25
Thursday 10th April 25
Lent Cafe
Pakefield Parish Church
10am to Midday
Friday 14th March 25
Friday 21st March 25
Friday 28th March 25
Friday 4th April 25
Friday 11th April 25
Uniform Bank
Free school uniform items for Lowestoft families
Every Thursday
9am to midday
3pm to 5pm