Pakefield Wives – who are we?

We are a group of women who meet on the  fourth Thursday of the month in Pakefield Church Hall, beginning at 2.00pm, unless otherwise stated.

Our aims are:

*  Promoting friendship, support and social activities for women in the local community

*  Raising funds for our charitable causes.

All women are welcome (whether or not you are a wife !)


Through the media and from our own observations, we are aware of the declining bird and insect population and many species of animals around the world but what of the marine life?  Those of us living on the coast have a duty to care for stranded seals on the beach, both common and grey, and here to give advice at our meeting in June on what to do and what not to do was Clair Flint and colleagues from the British Divers Marine Life Rescue.

If you find a seal, be it a pup or adult, do not go near it, apart from the fact that they bite, it may be resting or injured, quietly move away to avoid scaring them into a panic rush to the sea when they can injure themselves.  Try to get up-wind so it can’t smell you, warn others, especially owners of dogs off the lead.   If you are able to, phone for help by ringing the BDMLR on 01825 765546  (9-5 Mon-Fri) or 07787 433412 (out of hours) or RSPCA 24 hour help 0300 1234 999 giving clear instructions of your location. This will trigger one of the many volunteers who will attend and wait for a specialist to assess the situation.    Should they need to take it into care, Clair demonstrated how they approach and carefully wrap the seal in a towel then into a zipped carrier before putting it into a cage for transport to the nearest animal hospital, probably East Winch near Kings Lynn, or Southend.

Ensure your flying ring  (Frisbee) goes home with you, seals are naturally curious and playful and if they see one they may put their head through the hole and, obviously, can’t get it off.   If it is a pup, as they grown, the rings get tighter and will dig into their flesh causing painful wounds which can be fatal.  Never leave rubbish on the beach and, if possible, have a bag with you pick up any rubbish you see.

Some good information and advice from our speakers which Margaret H acknowledged with thanks and gave a donation

No meeting in August but we meet again in September 26th when the speaker will be Elaine Glenridding (Suffolk Land Search & Rescue).   Enjoy a relaxing break wherever you are.