Mothers’ Union

Pakefield Church’s Mothers’ Union meets from 2.00 – 3.30pm in the Church Hall on the third Thursday of each month. They are a friendly group of ladies (although men may also join).  They also host and lead the Living for Life course that we run as part of our marriage preparation course.  


All our meetings are part serious, part fun with talks, quizzes, social times, bring- and-buy, a variety of greetings cards to buy, occasional raffles, raising funds for MU and, most of all, fellowship.  The July meeting was our annual strawberry tea and what can be better than a summer’s day, the hall French windows flung wide, tables set in preparation for our English strawberry tea with cream and cakes, accompanied with a choice of chocolates.

After the bustle of setting up and members arriving, Sheila led with the service, her theme being about nature and the environment with bible readings, hymns and some poetry reflecting this.

Glynis had brought along two quizzes; the first lulled us into a false sense of how relatively easy this was but the second was a fiendish challenge and there was much biting of the ends of pencils and questions left unanswered.  Of course, when given the answers to those we didn’t get, there was the usual groans of how-did-we-not-see-that!

Our cream teas were served and there was still time to choose some greeting cards – there were new ones – and to call the raffle. Our delightful meeting ended with our usual holding hands in a circle for the Blessing which ended with the loudest and longest AMEN.

Thank you to all members who participated in any way by helping to make our day special.

We meet again on the 19th September, in church at 14.00 hours for our annual service as we begin the new session when Rev. Sharon will take the service and give a talk.  Refreshments will be available and visitors are welcome.