……..is for Parents/Grandparents or carers with babies and toddlers run by members of our Mothers’ Union Branch at Pakefield. We meet with Teddy Edward on the 1st Wednesday of the month in church, from 1.30-3.00pm. We have a story from the Bible, sing some songs, play with toys and whizz around on the trikes! We enjoy snacks and the adults have a cup of tea or coffee.
Teddy Edward is your reporter:
Edward Bear was the cuddly toy for the children of the late Shirley Young but went on to be a comfort to little children away from home when Shirley was housemother at a boarding school. On retirement, Shirley came back to her home in Pakefield, becoming a leader of Mothers’ Union Pakefield Branch and set up a new project for children from birth to 5-year-old, called The Pram Service, enlisting the help of Pat Vellacott. When Shirley sadly died, Jean Lockwood took on the leadership and renamed it The Teddy Edward Club. It was a time when there were many young children. Changing times mean that children now are off to pre-school at age three for half a day and, if it is the morning, they are usually too tired to come on to TEC and many members have gone on to junior school.
In its present and past forms, The Teddy Edward Club has been in existence for nearly three decades and, during this time, it has been a privilege and a pleasure to have taken part in this enterprise run by Mothers’ Union.
A message from ‘Teddy Eward’….
Now that all my past and present Edwardians are at school, university, working or have a family (yes, TEC is that old!) it is a good time for me to go to Australia with Little Ted, his country of birth, Bobbie Bear is coming too.
To all who attended the happy meetings throughout the decades in Pakefield Church, we hope you will always remember your time here when we listened to stories from the bible, together with our many action songs, the fun we had with the toys and racing round the church on bikes, the parties, the chocolate biscuits and juice at all meetings.
All of us who have been involved in TEC wish you well wherever you are now. With special thanks to Jean Lockwood, Roz, Sheila and Simon without whom we couldn’t have managed as he set up our meetings, brought the toys and cycles etc. from the shed to the church, he also organised our action songs and provided an extra lap for babes and toddlers. Thank you also to all the many helpers over the years.
God Bless and love – Teddy Edward