How to Donate to Pakefield Church



How you I continue to gift money to our Church even though I’m not able to attend a service at the moment?

It costs, £1616 per week to keep our church open and most of this money comes from Sunday and Wednesday collections.

You regular giving is vital so that we can be good stewards of what God has given us.

There are several ways to continue your giving:

The Diocese of Norwich have added a donate option for our church on their website. All you need to do is follow the below link and choose All Saints and Saint Margeret’s Church, Pakefield.


Alternatively  you can give by standing order, if you use Internet banking this only takes a few minutes to set up, please make sure that you use your full name as the reference, this is especially important if you have signed a gift aid form. Please let our Gift Aid secretary, Sheila Layton, know (contact details inside cover)

Our Bank details are:

Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20-53-06

Account Number: 90723665

Account Name: Pakefield Parochial Church Council

Second, you can give by cheque, made payable to Pakefield PCC. Please put these in an envelope and pop them

If you currently use white envelopes or put cash in the collection plate: You may wish to wait until you have a month worth, and then pop them through the Rectory door. In this current climate we want to reduce the amount of cash that our Treasurer, Mark Warren has to deal with and bank, so if you are able to write a cheque for your white envelopes or your usual cash donation that would really beneficial

Pink envelopes are for one off donations only and are designed for visitors and not regular givers. If you do use a pink envelope, and wish to ensure we receive the Gift Aid, the best thing to do is convert to the white envelope scheme. Please speak to Anne Everett about this (contact details on inside cover)


Those of you who use the weekly white envelopes for your regular offerings to the church will shortly be receiving these for the year April 2021-April 2022.

This is a good and convenient way to ensure that the church will still receive your regular contributions, even if you are unable to attend church for any reason.  If this is ever the case, please put your usual weekly amount in the appropriate envelope(s) and bring them when you next attend or, if this is difficult, please ring me on 514420 and I will collect them.

It is important that our church continues to receive this regular income in order that we are able to maintain the day to day running especially as, since the start of the pandemic, so many of our services and other events have not taken place and our usual sources of income have been lost.

So, we thank you very much for your support in the past and hope that you will continue with this – perhaps now is the time to consider whether you might increase the amount of your giving?

If you know of anyone else who might be interested in joining the scheme, please let me know and I will be happy to talk to them, explain how the scheme works and provide them with the necessary envelopes.   Thank you again….